If you are looking for more versatility on most league and … Plain and simple, the ball is one of the best hybrid balls on the market today, and possibly Storm’s best hybrid ever. Reviews (0) Storm Parallax Bowling Ball Features: The Parallax joins the AstroPhysiX as the two polished offerings in Storm’s current Premier line. That arcing shape off of the friction becomes an asset when there's a big disparity between the slick boards and the dry boards. Storm Parallax Bowling Ball Sale at Above ALL Bowling Supply Pro Shop & Online Store on AboveALLBowling.com We are an innovation company who just so happens to specialize in making the world’s best bowling balls. Surface: 1500 grit polished. Storm Parallax. Contains Ads. Layout: 60 degrees x 5" x 40 degrees. Description; Reviews 48; Videos 0; Ads 2; PERFORMANCE WITH STYLE. Storm Parallax Bowling Ball Review. Storm Storm Parallax. Comments Required. The Parallax is also a high performance ball while the Idol Pro is an upper mid performance so this would also give the Parallax a higher hook potential. The Storm Parallax gave me a ton of length and with the length came the most back end I've gotten out of an asymmetrical ball. Favorited. I was expecting to be able to ball down from my Physix to the Parallax with that layout but I've found that the Parallax has it's own spot in my arsenal next to the Omega Crux. Bowling's largest retail store in the world. PAP 5” Over 1/2 up Rev Rate 300. Storm has taken their knack for innovation and applied it to the Storm Parallax high-performance bowling ball. This ball introduces the TractionX7 coverstock in a hybrid version. I drilled my TREND with a layout of 65 x 4 x 35. Storm Axiom Pearl Bowling Ball. Free Shipping. Read more. The Storm Parallax is designed to give you more length and have a stronger backend reaction than the Idol Pro which was designed to read more in the midlane and have a smoother arcing hook. Parallax is a littler flatter down lane with more of an arcing shape. Imagine a pattern like the Open Championships where you need to keep your angles in front of you to start while controlling the backends. The newly formulated TractionX7 hybrid reactive coverstock makes it's debut on the Parallax. Description Discussions 0 Comments 4 Change Notes Award. Core shape: Asymmetric. Storm's new Parallax is a different take on polished surface combined with an asymmetric shape. If clouds gather on the horizon, it’s usually an omen about relationship troubles or a giant monster approaching, or possibly a twister leading the way to the land of Oz. We are an innovation company who just so happens to specialize in making the world’s best bowling balls. $174.95 (You save $105.04) Brand Storm Weight Block: Asymmetrical Coverstock: Traction X7 Hybrid Reactive Finish: ... Be the first to review this product! One of Storm’s more popular models from the Thunder Series, the Hy-Road is a mid-performance bowling ball designed for heavy to medium-heavy … Storm Proton Physix. The new Storm Parallax bowling ball is a very good ball. Aspect. Roto Grip Hyper Cell Fused Bowling Ball Review. Price: $154.95. Everyone. Storm Trend review by Mike Craig. More Details. More Details. Storm Astro Physix Bowling Ball Review ... Storm Son!Q Bowling Ball Review. Storm Parallax Bowling Ball Review. Brand: Storm. This one for me is as strong as you would expect, I wanted to drill it differently from my Nuclear Cell to compliment it. Color: Magenta/Black/Violet Coverstock: Nex Solid Reactive Weight Block: Atomic Core Factory Finish: Sanded 2000 Grit Abralon Flare Potential: 6" Plus Radius of Gyration (RG): 16lbs - 2.48; 15lbs - 2.48; 14lbs - 2.53 Differential (Diff): 16lbs - 0.054; 15lbs - 0.053; 14lbs - 0.052 Intermediate Differential (Diff): 16lbs - 0.017; 15lbs - 0.017; 14lbs - 0.015 Rotation 50. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Low Price & best Storm bowling balls at BowlersParadise.com for all bowlers - Storm Crux, Phaze, Storm Tropica, Pitch, Hy-Road, Match Up & more. Available at a lower price from other sellers that may not offer free Prime shipping. Most of the balls in this category from Storm have been the super skid-flip shape. The ellipsed hole filled with lighter core material constructs a higher RG than what is typically found in most asymmetric balls. It features both the new Aeroflo asymmetrical core design and the new TractionX7 Hybrid coverstock. Install. Sometimes a storm is just a storm. Maybe it’s the core that has a hole in the weight block which acts as if a weight hole was drilled then plugged which changed the density in that part. 12.0 Pounds. "Bowling This Month" is a registered trademark of BTM Digital Media, LLC; All logos, trademarks, and other intellectual property belong to their respective owners, Storm Parallax vs. Storm IQ Tour Nano Pearl. Click here to add or remove balls from this comparison. We take what we create and turn them into impassioned, rallying experiences. Storm Parallax Bowling Ball. Add to Wishlist. Don’t forget to check out Haley’s Pro Shop for world class drilling and coaching! Storm Parallax. ... Storm Parallax Bowling Ball. Storm Parallax Bowling Ball. Price: $145.95. The Storm Parallax is typical Storm shiny asym goodness. Reviews Review policy and info. By combining features from seven of Storm's most popular coverstocks, this new TractionX7 was created with more texture, more porosity and more motility than any Storm ball … This ball introduces the TractionX7 coverstock in a hybrid version. Rating Required. When playing to the strengths of this ball, I found it to be an excellent piece. Unfavorite. There’s something special in the Parallax’s DNA, too. Name Review Subject Required. 5 ... Storm Parallax Ball Review by Ric McCormick Storm Trend. SKU: BBMTLL12-16 UPC: Factory Finish: 1500 Grit Polished Flare Potential: 6" Plus (High) Weightblock Type: Asymmetrical Coverstock Type: Traction X7 Hybrid Reactive Durometer: 73-75 Fragrance: Funnel Cake. Long Skid,Strong Snap. The Bowler's Blog: Bowling the Open Championships, 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$174.95. When I didn't, it was very noticeable. Tamer Elbaga (Lefty) Style: Tweener RPM: 375 rpm PAP: 5 & 3/8 up Average Speed: 18.5 mph (at release) Axis tilt: low 6990 W 105th St, Overland Park, KS 66212, 913-258-8333 totalbowlinggear@gmail.com. The Parallax joins the AstroPhysiX as the two polished offerings in Storm’s current Premier line. I did take a look at the Parallax at a 2000 grit sanded finish after throwing it a few places with the 1500 grit polished finish. Let me introduce our new partner Haley’s Pro Shop. Storm Parallax Layout – 55 x 5 3/8 x 10 I am always a big fan of shiny pearl/hybrid asymmetrical balls so I was excited to drill this one! For GebhardtsBowling.com's Summer of Storm Sales Event we has created a special two ball combination special to include Storm's latest high performance asymmetric bowling ball, the Storm Parallax as well as your choice of two of their most popular recent asymmetric releases the Storm Omega Crux or Storm Gravity Evolve. Free Shipping. Written by Robert Horton for Seattle Weekly. 5.0 out of 5 stars 4 ratings. Storm Parallax Bowling Ball. It features both the new Aeroflo asymmetrical core design and the new TractionX7 Hybrid coverstock. Coming in at #1 on the list of new … The Storm Parallax is a unique strong yet smooth ball with a roll that feels different than any ball that I can recall. $84.95. Give your home screen a real 3D depth effect with this of motion-controlled multi-layer 3D HD live wallpapers. This makes it far more useful on wet/dry patterns, as you can see in my First 50 Shots video. This core and cover combination gives the Parallax moderate length with an angular breakpoint and a continuous motion at the back end. Let me introduce our new partner Haley’s Pro Shop. Roto Grip Halo Vision HOLIDAY DEALS 2020. Name Review Subject Required. Don’t forget to check out Haley’s Pro Shop for world class drilling and coaching! Storm Parallax Bowling Ball. Show all reviews. Customers Also Viewed; Quick view Choose Options. Storm Pro-Motion HOLIDAY DEALS 2020. Load More Products. Speed at cameras 15.5 Review: The new Storm Parallax is a very strong polished Hybrid bowling ball. You'll find this one on several asymmetric reviews from the past. I also found Parallax to be far better going up the lane, versus hooking it around the oil pattern. Item Display Weight: 12.0 Pounds. Tilt 20. The TractionX7 combines all of the best features found in Storm's seven most popular coverstocks to date. A big thank you to Jeff Miller and Ron Hoppe. I used my pin up drill on the Parallax. A big thank you to Jeff Miller and Ron Hoppe. 900 Global Honey Badger Bowling Ball Review. Storm Parallax. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews Wallpaper Engine> Workshop > Historyk~'s Workshop. Storm parallax reviews and ratings added by customers, testers and visitors like you. Storm Omega Crux Bowling Ball Review. Price: $174.95. Storm Parallax 3D Wallpaper. I never quite found enough head oil to hold it online at this surface, but I really think it would have some potential in the right environment. Introducing The New Storm Parallax Bowling Ball We are an innovation company who just so happens to specialize in making the world’s best bowling balls. The Aeroflo Core in the Parallax builds on the classical Storm credence of elegance and simplicity. We take what we create and turn them into impassioned, rallying experiences. Hammer Rip'D Solid Bowling Ball Review. Make your phone unique with this awesome 3D Depth Effect. Comments Required. Storm (Parallax Effect) in 4K ... Storm (Parallax Effect) in 4K. Storm Pitch Purple HOLIDAY DEALS 2020. At Storm, our research and development experts have one goal in mind: create new and exciting coverstock and core combinations. RG: 2.52". Omega Crux. But this is rarely true in movies. Storm axiom pearl Bowling Ball. SultAndroid Personalization. Storm's new Parallax is a different take on polished surface combined with an asymmetric shape. We have these in stock at TBG in both 14# and 15#. Storm Proton Physix Bowling Ball. Free Shipping. Storm Tropical Surge Pearl Carbon Chrome Bowling Ball. Come by and take a look at them today! $279.99. Yes, ever. Compare the specs of the Storm Parallax and Storm Trend side by side in the ball comparison table below. IQ Tour Nano Pearl. Storm Parallax Storm has taken their knack for innovation and applied it to the Storm Parallax high-performance bowling ball. It's somewhat similar to what you might expect from some of the super-strong asymmetric balls if you had polished them (ex. Add to Collection. Collapse. Hot Buy. I drilled my first one with the Mass Bias mark on my VAL and the pin 3-3/4 from PAP which resulted in the ball reading too … Differential: .054". Storm Parallax. Search and read storm parallax opinions or describe your own experience. To view the full bowling ball review for one of these balls, click the ball name link in the table below. 76 ratings. Parallax offers slightly less length than combined with a bit of a more controlled backend, making it better for flatter and tougher lane conditions where control is key. It’s not overly snappy on the back end, yet it still has power. Storm Parallax vs. Storm Trend – Ball Reaction Comparison Video August 14, 2020 JR gives us a side by side comparison of the Storm Parallax and the Storm Trend bowling balls. As the lanes transition and "blend" more, Parallax can lose a little steam on the backend compared to balls like an Astro Physix. Storm Phaze III HOLIDAY DEALS 2020. The TractionX7 combines all of the best features found in Storm's seven most popular coverstocks to date. July 29, 2020 Coach T. First ImpressionsThe Storm Parallax is typical Storm shiny asym goodness. Favorite. I hit the box surface with a 2000 abr pad and let it lane shine back up. More Details. Storm. Price: $174.96 & FREE Shipping. Get the latest on sales, new releases & more ... Information. $174.96. Rating * Name Email * Review Subject * Comments * $195.00) Shipping: Calculated at Checkout * Current Stock: Quantity: Decrease Quantity: Increase Quantity: × Product Overview. My Nuclear is pin down and this is a sky high pin. by Jeff Ussery at Total Bowling Gear. Storm Parallax Ball Review. Share. Description Reviews (47) Videos (13) Drilling Layouts (7) Get the performance you seek with the style you crave... Meet the Parallax by Storm. Storm Prodigy Bowling Ball Review. Omega Crux). But that’s only a small piece of our DNA. ... Parallax. I drilled it 4x6x2.5. Ball Specs: Storm Parallax Hybrid Reactive 1500 Grit Polished Aeroflo Asymmetric Core Layout 50 x 5 x 40 Bowler Specs: Right Hand. To me, the Traction X7 hybrid reactive coverstock is a great cover. Seven most popular coverstocks to date in my First 50 Shots video look at them today to date! bowling. 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